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Property History

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Expectations & Guest Services

Hunt Schedule & Fees

Season Dates

Permit Fees

Management Practices



Requirements of Guests

Safety Issues

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 Safety Considerations

Safety for all involved in a hunt is the top priority for MissouriPrimeHunts.US.  Keeping this in mind, the following guidelines must be followed by all guests and hunters:

1.       1. Safe gun, bow, and arrow handling at all times by all persons.

2.       2. No alcoholic beverages will be consumed while engaged in hunting or shooting activities.

3.       3. No illegal drugs or substances allowed on the property by anyone at any time.

4.       4. All hunters must carry a functional cell phone on their person while hunting and provide the
       phone number to MissouriPrimeHunts.US.  While hunting, the cell phone must be on and 
       fully operational.

5.       5. Guests must demonstrate safe handling practices of any ATV vehicle provided to them by

6.       6. All hunters must use a safety harness or belt while erecting or occupying any tree stand, ladder 
       stand, or other elevated stand.  If a guest does not have such a device, one will be 
       provided for them.

7.   MissouriPrimeHunts.US will use its best efforts to assure that all hunters return safely from their
assigned hunting locations after each hunt, but there is no guarantee that this will happen, particularly if a hunter does not remain in his/her assigned hunting location.

In the event of an accident, MissouriPrimeHunts.US will use its best efforts to assist with the transport of the injured hunter to the nearest medical facility and/or arrange for emergency medical attention and removal to a medical facility if appropriate.  However, this does not guarantee that the injured person will in fact receive immediate removal or receive medical attention.

MissouriPrimeHunts.US will provide each hunter with the phone numbers of emergency medical services, the local sheriff’s office, local game wardens, in addition to phone numbers of the guide(s) and other staff who may be on-site and/or available for assistance. 

In the event that a guest does not follow the safety guidelines, he/she may be asked to leave the property prior to the scheduled departure date, with a forfeiture of all hunt fees paid, and no refund.